About Us

Innova Integra is a research and innovation company working in computer science and focusing on the application and integration of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and machine learning methods in real-world application scenarios. In our projects, we combine our practical technical expertise with in-house and consulting experts on relevant topics including domain knowledge and concerns such as legal and data protection matters.
Our Work
The technical focus of Innova Integra is on the innovative application of Artificial Intelligence methods from a broad spectrum of state-of-the-art techniques as part of practical real-world solutions. We achieve this by using our skill set covering both machine learning and broader artificial intelligence and the practical software development capabilities necessary to create real-world solutions. Our Solutions section will provide you with additional information on our demonstrated technical capabilities and expertise.
Our Team
Our experienced, creative and highly skilled team employs agile development methods in order to deliver our solutions. We work on company projects, as contractors for private clients and collaborate in national and international research projects.
Our core team consists of former members of the Computer Science department of the University of Reading and has very extensive experience in participating in and leading national and EU-level research projects. Please refer to our Projects page where you will find an overview of the most interesting projects that our members of staff have participated in including both ongoing and completed projects.
Our Company
We operate as an independent businesses located in the United Kingdom. Our main team offices are located on the Whiteknights Campus of the University of Reading, allowing us to maintain close relations to the University. The company was founded in 2008 and has been active in projects with external partners at an increasing level since 2015. Details for both companies can be found on our Contact page.
Our Partnerships

We are a member of the NVIDIA Inception Program since 2019.